There’s a Book Brewing

As many of you know, I’ve been helping Noel Paul Stookey write his autobiography, which is about 80% finished. Now we’re starting a Substack newsletter about our book’s beginnings, our process, research, interviews, and stories that don’t appear in the book. In addition, there will be commentary on culture, faith, and social concerns. Here’s Noel’s announcement about Strings, which launched today.

There’s a book brewing…

I’m pleased to announce that there’s a Noel Paul Stookey biography (working title: FOR THE LOVE OF IT ALL) in the works. Jeanne Torrence Finley (a writer with a background in literature, culture, and religion) has been my collaborator in this project, which is about 80% completed in draft form.

The first third of FTLOIA (our shorthand title which Jeanne contends is harder to type than the full version) begins with the story of how my life wove its way through a rural childhood, moved into midwestern rock and roll sensibilities and arrived in Greenwich Village for the beginnings of Peter, Paul and Mary. As our performances, albums, and miles traveled multiplied, together we faced the political challenges of the 60s.

A life-altering spiritual decision resulted in a family move to the Maine coast where I became a gentleman farmer, a delivery person for my wife’s flower shop and built a recording studio that ultimately attracted musicians from as far away as Australia. This part of the book celebrates the reunion of the trio—for both its musical and political activity—as well as recognizes the creation of the Bodyworks Band and the spiritually reflective music that followed the popular success of the “Wedding Song.”

The third part of the book, which begins in the early 80s, finds me living in two worlds—of Peter, Paul, and Mary and of the Bodyworks Band–connecting with activists with strong spiritual callings such as Cesar Chavez, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and at the same time with TV evangelists Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker and the musicians of the fledgling Christian music industry. Neither world could easily understand what I was doing in the other.

Today Jeanne and I will launch our own Substack newsletter, called STRINGS, about the book. We’ll be writing about our process from its beginnings, share audio and video clips of interviews, dip into some of Jeanne’s background research, and provide commentary on faith, culture, and social change from the early 60s to the present. And on STRINGS we’ll be inviting your comments to add to our creative mix as we write the last fifth of the book. -nps